Redirect user to a page after password reset


As a User, when I successfully change my password, I see the information that a password is changed.
Is it possible to redirect the user to other pages? Home Page for example.


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Good morning,

Are you using the new universal login page?

If so, could you try setting the Tenant Login URI and see if redirect works? Tenant Settings

When using New ULP, redirect_to field is ignored for this API call: New Universal Login Experience If you are using classic, I would recommend trying to set the redirect_to value under the password reset template.


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That “Tenant Login URI” is something generic.
Is there any way to set a customized redirect URL for when we are using universal login?
There is a “Back to App” button in the success page at the end of the password reset flow which is linked to the login page of our application or tenant. Is it at least possible to add some parameters to its link so in our app we can determine that the user is coming from the password reset action?