ReCapture - V2 or V3?


I’m about to setup ReCapture for the bot protection, however when generating the required keys in google, I’m being asked if I want to use ReCapture V2 or V3.

Would it be possible to let me know which version of I should generate the key for please?


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Hey there!

I just checked and as far as my research goes it’s not an Auth0 stack and we cannot advise you on that front.

Hi @konrad.sopala

Thanks for the response. Just to clarify what I’m trying to do.

In the Auth0 dashboard, I’ve gone to Security → Bot Detection and selected reCapture, this then asks me to enter a Site Secret and a Site Key to enable it.

When I go to I am required to select the version of reCapture that is in use and both different versions have different implantations. Please see reCAPTCHA v3  |  Google Developers vs reCAPTCHA v2  |  Google Developers

As auth0 have created the functionality which is displayed on your hosted login forms, they would have implemented either v2 or v3 and I just need to know which version you have implemented so that I can create the correct keys which you require to enable the functionality?


aaah gotchya! Sorry for that but have never seen that before! Let me research that and get back to you soon!

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@konrad.sopala Did you manage to find out which version is needed here?

I’ve searched through our docs but there’s actually no information on that. I reached out to appropriate team and will let you know as soon as I have the info from them!

I just got a confirmation that you should go with V2.

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Perfect, thanks for checking.

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No worries1 We’re here for you!