Quickstart angular spa - 431 - certificate exipred


I configured https://github.com/auth0-samples/auth0-angular-samples/tree/master/01-Login and it worked well. But now the app shows a HTTP ERROR 431and i got “Failed Silent Auth” and “Failed Auth” in the auth0 Logs, the details only tell me that “certificate has expired”. What can i do please?

Ok, the problem came from that i set a subdomain on one of my domain in the settings, one which i’ve forseen to install later. However even after deleting it from settings (allowed callback, origins and logout) it was still checking after it. So i finally created the subdomain and generated a certificate with certbot, to be able to get back to work…

By the way the behaviour of the SPA app was a constant refreshing of the page url without any info, then 431 when the cookie overload and then beein too long to be passed as a request header. TO debug i had to go in Logs or in the response of the authorize request. Still i kept looking over another type of certificate which would be used over auth0…

In the quickstart it could be great to add an error handling for that kind of error. By the way in the error adding the name of the domain with the “certificate has expired” could help too.

I passed almost 3 hours to debug this…

Glad you were able to figure it out! Sorry that you needed to spent so much time debugging that and totally sorry for that experience it shouldn’t be like that. Really appreciate that you share the solution as well as provided concise feedback on the matter. Let me relay that to the team responsible for quickstarts to improve experience for future use!