QuickStart Angular Project is NOT Working

Angular QuickStart (Auth0 Angular SDK Quickstarts: Login) is not working. When I click on “login” I see that the call to “this.auth.loginWithRedirect();” is made. But, nothing happens though.

I’ve used the sample, as well as setup the application on my own multiple times. But, no luck.

Hey there!

Let me try to reproduce that and get back to you soon!

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Modifying the contents of app.module.ts as follows solved the problem:

      domain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx.auth0.com',
      // ...env.auth,
      httpInterceptor: {

I’m happy to hear it all came together @TEKPartner!

Update on my analysis:

I had not modified the API_IDENTIFIER in the auth_config.json. Those instructions are not included in your help page. Once I put that value in, the use of …env.auth worked.

Please update Auth0 Angular SDK Quickstarts: Login to include instructions on how to replace the value for {API_IDENTIFIER} in auth_config.json

Sure! Thanks for relaying that! I’ll create the GitHub issue for that right away so it can be addressed soon!

Here’s the GitHub issue for that:


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