Problem with TLS Handshake

Hi, I am trying to connect to the Auth0 management API via CURL and so far have little success and the respond code received does not help either since the information is very limiting.

/ # curl --trace - https://<-- Auth0 Domain --> \
> --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
> --data grant_type=client_credentials \
> --data 'client_id=<-- Auth0 Client ID --> \
> --data 'client_secret=<-- Auth0 Client Secret -->' \
> --data 'audience=https://<--Auth0 Domain -->'
== Info: ssl_handshake returned - mbedTLS: (-0x7280) SSL - The connection indicated an EOF
curl: (35) ssl_handshake returned - mbedTLS: (-0x7280) SSL - The connection indicated an EOF

While 0x7280 refers to the handshake connection terminated prematurely but it does not really explain why so makes it difficult to isolate the source of the problem.

Is there anything that may help in locating the source of the problem?

Thanks so much for the help in advance,
