Please make "submit this form" editable

Greetings, I need to edit the redirect-page-title when my users login. It says: “submit this form” for around 2-3 seconds, and then redirects to the ‘secure page’ :slight_smile:

I did the custom domain, and using your ‘lock’ :slight_smile: see screenshot below. Thanks

From Support Ticket 00501571

“I did some research and it doesn’t look like this page title is editable at the moment while reviewing available customizations in Lock/Universal Login. For now, I’d recommend submitting a feature request to our Product Team to look at adding this level of customization via Auth0: Secure access for everyone. But not just anyone.. I can’t provide an ETA on any response from them, but this is the best way to get new options reviewed. Thanks, and let me know if you have further questions regarding this issue.”

That’s the correct channel. Thanks for creating this one and let’s see who else from community will be interested in such improvement!

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We are interested as well. Please let us know when this can be made available.

Sure! We’ll let you know as soon as it’s here. For now the best move to make is to upvote this thread. Thank you!

Was this feature ever provided?
We would also like ‘Submit This Form’ edited as well.

We would also highly appreciate if this text could be made editable!
We have created a request for it…

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Any news how to remove this “submit this form” ?

Hey there!

It’s not there yet as it hasn’t received enough traction compared to other feedback cards. Sorry for the inconvenience! As soon as we have good news regarding that, I’ll make sure to relay it here. Thank you!

Is this still not editable? We are also experiencing the ‘Submit this form’ message and in our case its on a fully white/blank screen which is pretty jarring when on slow network connection.


Hello. Has this feature been implemented? We are also seeing this page title and would like to change it

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