Passworldless user can't accept Email/Password invitation

If there is already a user that logged in with Passwordless “”. If I try to invite this user with a Email/Password connection. After the user Click on the accept invitation link, the user is send to the login with password page and can’t never set his own password (There is no password at all).

Expected behaviour:
User is send to the Sign Up page
User add his own Password
User can login now with email/password (and also passworldless would be a plus but not needed for my case)

Hi @adrian_gd,

Can you expand more on what you mean by “the user is send to the login with password page and can’t never set his own password (There is no password at all)”?

If possible, sharing a screenshot will also help.

Let me mention that it is possible for a user to sign up with both a Passwordless and Username/Password connection.


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