Feature: Allow Admin (via API or Dashboard) to create a user without a password. The user then receives an email with a link that verifies their email address and allows them to set a password.
Description: The current work-around is documented here: Send Email Invitations for Application Signup, however it is unsatisfactory as it requires the Administrator to create an account with a dummy password, then the user is invited to change their password using the change password email or via a change password ticket. Since we cannot create our own email templates, the Change Password email template must be modified. This experience is unsatisfactory as it requires hacking resources for a situation they were not intended for.
Use-case: I am building a B2B application where users are invited by Administrators, API or Tenant Administrators. I would like a unified welcome email where the user clicks “Complete account”, and on doing-so their email is verified, and they are asked to set a password and optionally set other user data (given name, family name etc).