Passwordless with link + Universal popup issue

I have an issue with passwordless authentication (magic link) in combination with universal login in popup mode.
If I don’t use the popup mode, the passwordless authentication works correctly.

However, when I use passwordless mode, when clicking the email, the browser gets stuck here:

With this issue:
Failed to execute ‘postMessage’ on ‘DOMWindow’: The target origin provided (‘http://localhost:3000’) does not match the recipient window’s origin (‘https://…’).

This is my react configuration (I am using the sample SPA application that Auth0 provided):

const providerConfig = {
domain: config.domain,
redirect: false,
clientId: config.clientId,
useRefreshTokens: true,
cacheLocation: “localstorage”,
useCookiesForTransactions: true,
authorizationParams: {
redirect: false,
redirect_uri: http://localhost:3000,
scope: “openid profile email offline_access”,
…(config.audience ? { audience: config.audience } : null),

When I see auth0 logs, I can actually see that the login succeed (Success Login) but I then it does not exchange the token (Success Exchange is not triggered)

Hi @devatcresearch

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

From what I understand, you are trying to implement on your SPA application a Passwordless authentication/login link using the New Universal Login feature.

Unfortunately, this feature is not available at this time specifically for the Universal Login page, only for the Classic Login as explained in our Documentation.

To request this functionality in a future release of Auth0, submit a Feature Request. This is a direct line to our Product team and the best way to communicate this type of request.

However, we have already documented this feature request internally and our Engineering team has been working on implementing it. We will let you know once we have any updates on this matter.

If I misunderstood what your issue is and what is the implementation that you are looking for, feel free to reply back on this post.

Kind Regards,

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