My problem is the following
1- I generate a passwordless link using the auth0 sdk authentication api and I use passwordless with connection email and sending a link
2- The link is sent successfully to the user’s email given to the sdk (there is no user interaction there, I also allowed this route to send the link from a different place from where he wants to login by the help of another forum topic)
3- When the user clicks on the link and is redirected to my website I get an error regarding the state not being present in the cookies or something
So I need help regarding that last step
here is a code snippet of sending the magic link:
export const sendMagicLink = async (
hostname: string,
email: string,
redirect_uri: string
) => {
const config = getAuth0Credentials(hostname)
const sdk = new AuthenticationClient({
domain: <domain>,
clientSecret: config.clientSecret ?? '',
clientId: config.clientID ?? '',
await sdk.passwordless.sendEmail({
send: 'link',
authParams: {
state: <random string>,
nonce: <random string>,
response_type: 'token id_token',