I currently have a React app that uses Auth0’s magic link authentication method using ‘auth0-js’.
Apart from this React app, I also have a server written in Node.js, which as far as I understand is not participating in the login-via-magic-link workflow (it’s just React <-> Auth0 interaction).
What I’m trying to achieve is to generate the magic link from my Node.js server because I want to send a login email upon schedule. I’ve been researching but it seems to me that this magic-link idea is designed to be initiated from client-side.
I’ve tested the auth.requestMagicLink method from the ‘auth’ library to generate such link from my server, but when the user access it and gets to the React app, the state of the magic link does not match with the one stored in the user’s browser (which makes sense).
Could anyone confirm me if my impression around this is true and such scenario is not possible to achieve with Auth0?
The documentation here Authentication API Explorer suggests that “This endpoint is designed to be called from the client-side”
And the documentation here Passwordless Authentication with Magic Links suggests that “the initial request and its response **must take place in the same browser or the transaction will fail”
So can magic links be initiated from the backend, or no?
Would also like an answer to this. It seems you can request a magic link from the server, but Auth0 will send it out via email. What we want is to be able to receive the link server side, then do what we want with the link (e.g., email it ourselves using SendGrid to our customers).
I’d also like an answer on this. I’m having the same issue as @teguayco.gutierrez that the link obtained by the backend (and sent by auth0 to the user’s email) can’t be used in the React app.
This post aged well… any informations about this problem?
I’m trying to sent a magic link from my azure nodejs function, when opening it prompts “The link must be opened on the same device and browser from which you submitted your email address.”