Passwordless Login with SMS and Email

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Hi, I want to use passwordless API (Using Passwordless APIs) to send OTP to both email and SMS? Is it possible in passwordless API?
If I want to use both SMS and email, do you have any suggestion on which API/service we have to use to implement this?

Hi @agnespravida27

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. If I understand correctly, you would like to send OTP to both email and SMS at the same time. Unfortunately, that’s not possible. However, you can enable passwordless for both SMS and Email. The most important thing to understand, if you enable both SMS and Email passwordless, is that both of these will have a different connection created in your tenant “email” and “SMS.”

Currently, if you enable both options, Universal Login does not have a way to show the user in order to allow them to select which one they want → Passwordless Login Page with Both SMS and Email Options


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