Hi All, I have a requirement where enable Passwordless Authentication with email and after testing it I have to disable it but it seems like the disabling part does not seem to work for the requirement of use case can someone list the proper way to disbale the passwordless.
Hi @harsh.singh,
Welcome to the Auth0 Community and thank you for your post.
In order to disable a passwordless connection in your tenant you have two options:
- Directly from the Auth0 Dashboard by accessing Authentication - Passwordless - press on Configure on the Email section - disable the applications that should not use the connection
- using the Management API to delete the passwordless email connection
I hope this helped.
Best regards,
Hi @remus.ivan Thanks for approaches, I have a couple of doubts here like the steps that I take for enabling are
1: Configure the SMTP and Passwordless Authentication section for my applicaiton.
2: Changing the Authentication Profile from Identitfier+Pass to Identifier First.
3: Change the Application Connection Settings and disable the DataBase Connection(Default)
exactly wanted to know what step is responsible for disabling the Passwordless, because if we just remove the application from the Passwordless setting it will allow only social sign-in and log-in because the db connection is turned on, hope I am able to specify my problem statement.
Hi @harsh.singh,
Thanks for replying.
I can not pinpoint exactly what the issue would be in your use case, but what I could recommend is to firstly make sure to leave enabled what connection type you would like to have moving forward before disabling the passwordless.
This is general both if you are unchecking the passwordless option by application using the Auth0 Dashboard ( you can also do that from the Application’s tab - Connections ) or if you are deleting the connection using the Management API, which takes place at a tenant level.
Kind regards again,
it seems like I have taken the correct steps to enable and disable the passwordless mfa. Thank you for the support @remus.ivan