Option to add multiple MFA methods

When user goes to profile page in my app, I want to display the options to choose and then setup proper MFA (SMS for example). How can I achieve that?

Hi @xrevix00,

You can show your users multiple MFA options to select from on your app by enabling the Show Multi-factor Authentication options toggle in your MFA settings (Dashboard > Security > Multi-factor Auth).

(Reference: Enable Multi-Factor Authentication)

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks for fast reply! Although my question is different.

I enabled options in the Auth0 dashboard. User now logged-in in my app and wants to add another MFA, I would like to display the available options on my frontend and then let the user configure it.

Hi @xrevix00,

Yes, that is possible with using the Auth0 MFA API. I suggest reading our Manage Authentication Factors with Authentication API documentation about this.

Please let me know if you have any questions on the implementation.
