Oops!, something went wrong .... server_error: Internal error

i have configured a custom domain… then i try to test it from Branding → Universal Login → Try
i get errore page opps… with

server_error: Internal error
TRACKING ID: 66cde6ddc4133d6af7a7

how to solve this ??? in the monitor section nothing appear…

Hi @a.cristofanini,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

It seems like the error you are experiencing may be attributed to some issue in the backend. I am following up with our Engineers on this to investigate further.

I’ll reach out again once there is an update.


Hi Rueben,
any news regarding the internal server error ??
We are waiting for your nod.

Hi @a.cristofanini,

Thanks for following up.

I have posted my question to our Engineering teams and waiting for a response.

As soon as I receive an update, I will follow up on this thread.


right now custom domain is working back again…
but we have now getting a new problem, with a 409 in templates_universal_login PUT ```
{ “statusCode”: 409, “error”: “Conflict”, “message”: “Template update conflict.”, “errorCode”: “templates_universal_login_conflict”}

Hi @a.cristofanini,

Thanks for the update.

I will forward this error code to our Engineers to have them look at it.

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Hi @a.cristofanini,

Thanks for your patience.

Our Engineering team has informed me that the 409 errors you have been experiencing have been resolved in a recent update through the webtask and you should be able to carry on without receiving 409s for universal login.

Could you please give it a try and let me know if everything is working as expected?
