Oauth2 Single Sign On SSO Page Language

How can I change login page language in OAuth2 Single Sign On?
Currently I have a URL like below:
Is this a URL param? Is this a configuration option I have to send when receiving the token? Is this a settings anywhere in Auth0 configuration? I could not find any information about this on web.

Here is the solution:
Go to Auth0 Management Console
On left sidebar select Universal Login
Go to Login tab
Click on Customize Login Page
In HTML tab find the line:

language: language

Change it to your language code. For a list of language codes see [Lock Internationalization](http://Lock Internationalization)
You can also get the language from the callback url provided by your application. In our case it was:

language: config.callbackURL.split('/')[3]
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Thanks a lot for shaaring it with the rest of community!

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