I’m looking for guidance on how to make adjustments to the New Universal Login Password Reset UI. I’d like to be able to customize the text on the screen so that it indicates weather a user is “registering” or “resetting their password” as specified in this doc: Send Email Invitations for Application Signup
Though, the instruction set the above docs relates to the old Lock UI widget, and the text customization with the new universal login does not seem to support predicates. I know I can use liquid templates and render the UI component, though this seems limited to just making adjustment for HTML outside of the new universal login widget itself, and I’m sure I could write a little JS hack with testing for query parameters and the lock ui to load and updating the text in that capacity, but it seems a tad hacky.
Hi @rueben.tiow – the documentation doesn’t seem to reference a way to conditionally change the text within the Universal UI. I’m looking to change the text based on a query-parameter being present in the URL. Thanks!
However, you might encounter limitations if you need to render different UIs for the password reset page by differentiating between an invite flow and a traditional password reset flow based on query parameters. The partial prompts feature only supports customization for the following prompts: