Minimum Length of Organization Name

I was looking to add a new organization today for a potential client and their desired organization name is two characters (which we also use for their subdomain). Unfortunately there’s a restriction where the organization name needs to be at least three characters. Is there a reason it needs to be at least three? Is there any way around this restriction?


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I appreciate your patience, and I’m sorry for the late response. Unfortunately, the limit is enforced through the Dashboard, and there’s no way to internally disable this. If you want, you can submit Product Feedback on our Community page to add more weight and visibility to the request, here is our link: Feedback - Auth0 Community. You can read our FAQ regarding submitting a feature request here: How do I submit Product feedback or feature requests?


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I’m pleased to inform you that we’ve reduced the minimum character requirement for organization names to just one, and this change is now in production.