Migrating users to new tenant

Hi we recently opened our account with our business name for new web app and after testing with about 1000 beta users we thought it’d be better opening with the app name so users are not confused when they receive emails from Auth0 mentioning our agency name instead of the product.

The issue is that it seems now all users have to reset their password if they want to access the app, so it creates much friction because not everyone does.

Is there are way to import users to a new tenant keeping same login/passwords for users?
Of course teh new tenant in under same account and managed by same company - we just want to chage tenant name associated with the product name

Thanks in advance

If you are using an Auth0-hosted database when transferring users from one tenant account to another this unfortunately does require users to reset their password as we are unable to export the password hashes for security reasons.


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Quick update on this: it’s now possible to import password hashes from legacy or other databases as well (such as another Auth0 tenant), as long as bcrypt $2a$ / $2b$ with 10 salting rounds is used before for password hashing.

(Retrieving/exporting the password hashes requires a support ticket though.)

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