I need help to basically migrate our users away from auth0 as we are planning to implement our own authentication. The reason to migrate away is that we are facing issues on IOS devices when we allow to iframe our app on other domains (and this is our need as well) and IOS devices treat our custom domain as 3rd party and block it out unless we allow it explicitly from the device settings.
I have explored the management API and seems like migrating the user’s information is not a difficult task to do but what I am most concerned about is migrating the passwords. Did anyone have experience migrating the users off from Auth0? How do you suggest migrating the passwords? Keep in mind we have separate tenants in auth0 according to our environments.
Thanks a lot for your response. Appreciate it a lot.
A few questions here:
We have multiple tenants, so do we have to request for each tenant separately?
How can I know the hashing algorithm to verify the hash?
And lastly do I have to request every time I try to migrate users or will it be a one-time request and the hash will be available every time I use the management API? Considering we would be testing the implementation/migration of users multiple times.
Once I have requested the password hashes, will it be available in the management API (get all users)?