Looks like something went wrong!

Today we have noticed issue with login system which was working fine for a while already. When we try to login using google account, select account we want, we start to see Auth0 error:
"There could be a misconfiguration in the system or a service outage. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us with this tracking id: 2183269b268c5780a532."
No errors in monitoring section, and also our second app is working as usual, the only difference we see is our OK app tenant is inside EU region and KO app tenant is in EU-2 region which is currently under some maintenance. Could this be the reason? Do anyone else experiencing some issues in EU-2?


Same problem 34679b46ed39ec7c676a, I haven’t changed anything in the app. Looks like an issue on auth0 side.

I was able to solve it by switching from developers keys to a proper google credentials.
Developers keys was working fine before (and still do for second app), but issue was a good opportunity to finally make it right.

I want to still use development keys :face_with_head_bandage:

I’m having the same issue. Started happening yesterday 2023-07-20.
I haven’t changed anything in the code or touched Auth0 settings in any way.

Hey all!

This is a known issue and looks to be related to scheduled maintenance - This only affects developer keys, which are subject to such disruptions and should be used for testing purposes only.

@tyf So we have to wait until the first of August?

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Hey @JaLe20 - I’m not positive when the issue related specifically to Auth0’s Developer Keys will be resolved.

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