Hey guys,
I’m playing around with auth0 for my company.
When logging in with google all works fine and I get the var_dump values.
But if I try to login with auth0 username password I get a 403 error with guzzle saying that the code is not valid.
As the code and all the steps are the same I doubt it’s something about the code(one thing I noticed when using google there is another query variable called state is passed to /callback url)
My user in auth0 is also confirmed so that’s not the issue as well.
class DefaultController extends Controller
* @Route("/", name="homepage")
public function indexAction(Request $request)
$auth0 = $this->getAuth0();
* @Route("/callback", name="callback")
public function callbackAction(Request $request)
$auth0 = $this->getAuth0();
var_dump($auth0->getIdToken(), $auth0->getUser(), $auth0->getAccessToken());die();
private function getAuth0()
return new Auth0(
'domain' => 'myapp.eu.auth0.com',
'client_id' => 'client',
'client_secret' => 'secret',
'redirect_uri' => 'http://myapp.local/callback',
'audience' => 'https://myapp.eu.auth0.com/userinfo',
'store' => false