Logging options for Pre User Registration hook


We are using Pre User Registration and it works great for our need.
However, I am wondering how do we collect console.error() or console.log() for troubleshooting?
Is there some existing solution that we can use? or I am thinking maybe I need to use nodejs module something like

Please advise.


Hi @jason.tsai,

Thanks for joining the Auth0 Community!

Are you looking to view console logs for debugging? That can be done with the real-time webtask logs extension:

Let me know if you had something else in mind or if this works for you.


Hi Dan,

Thanks for the reply.
The real-time webtask logs is a good suggestion for debugging. However, I am looking for a way to keep all logs produced by our pre-user-registration code, so we can trace the logs back in time. Sometimes it is useful for debugging if there is a bug from our code that we didn’t catch until it is in production.

I come across the winston-cloudwatch logger package and I am wondering if there is a one lick integration kind of feature that I can use in the Hooks?



At this current time we don’t have an in-house solution for collecting logs from hooks. Using an external resource like you mentioned would be the best option.

If it is something you would be interested in seeing, you could share your thoughts with us in the Product Feedback Form :smile: .


Hi Dan,

Thanks for your reply.
I will definitely checkout the feedback form.


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We really appreciate the feedback! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.


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No problem. Thank you for your help.

Thanks for submitting your issue to our feedback form! It’s been received, and we’ll take this into account when we’re prioritizing future development for Hooks.

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