I’m using new experience version of universal login,
and now I am struggling with configuring the redirection for Verification Email.
For the “Redirect To” field in my Auth0 Email Template Settings for Verification Email,
I simply set {{ application.callback_domain }}.
With that condition, I successfully received a Verification Email after I signed up,
and with no problems I was redirected to my site’s route page automatically
after I clicked the link shown in the mail.
However, when I changed my email address via the management API with the following request body,
I also successfully received another Verification Email,
but I was redirected to the verification error page after I clicked the link in that mail:
PATCH /api/v2/users/{id} { "email_verified": false, "email": "foo@example.com", "connection": "<my web app's connection>", "client_id": "<my web app's client Id>" }
The log looks like:
“date”: “2020-02-06T02:43:33.419Z”,
“type”: “fv”,
“description”: “invalid result url: ?supportSignUp=true&supportForgotPassword=true&email=foo%40example.com&message=Your%20email%20was%20verified.%20You%20can%20continue%20using%20the%20application.&success=true&code=success”,
“connection”: “the connection same as what I specified in the request body”,
“connection_id”: “the connection’s id”,
“client_id”: “client id that is different from what I specified in the request body”,
“client_name”: “All Applications”,
“details”: {
“query”: {
“email”: “foo@example.com”,
“user_id”: “user’s auth0 id”,
“tenant”: “my tenant’s name”,
“client_id”: “client id that is different from what I specified in the request body”,
“connection”: “the connection same as what I specified in the request body”,
“resultUrl”: “{{ application.callback_domain }}”,
“includeEmailInRedirect”: true
And awkwardly, although the link showed me the error page,
the email verification itself was successfully done;
the foo@example.com is marked as verified (I mean, the email_verified field became true).
Am I missing something? Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Thank you for your help in advance.