Issue with logging out

Hello, I dont know if I am going crazy or what but I cant implement the logging out part for auth0. I am working in .NET environment. This is my code snippet:

This is the error log I get:
And this are the allowed logout urls:

Hi @karamatic34

Welcome to the Auth0 Community.

I think the issue here is that you have most likely populated the allowed logout url at application level. The system cannot find the setting unless you specify the client_id as part of the logout redirect.

If you do not plan to have an application specific allowed logout url then you will have to populate the allowed logout url at the tenant level which, without the specifying the client_id, the system will be referencing the tenant level setting which I assume is not configured (Auth0 Dashboard > Settings > Advanced).

You can reference our docs on this here

I hope this helps.
Warm regards.

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