Is there an endpoint for a user to delete consent?

What is the endpoint a user can use to remove an application from his user data? Or is this something that needs a frontend to be specifically built?

Hey there @jquerijero !

Yes, this is possible using the Management API grants endpoint - Specifically you can get a users grants (GET https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v2/grants?user_id={USER_ID} ) and then delete accordingly (DELETE https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v2/grants/{grant_id} ).

I mean a frontend that is something similar to Google where I can see all applications attached to my identity and remove them. Is the user accessible frontend something that I need to write, or something that Auth0 already provides?

Gotcha, thanks for clarifying!

There is no user-facing UI to do this, it’s only possible as an admin. Therefore you would indeed need to build something out to allow user’s to do this from your application.

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