Is there a way to customize the authorization page UI?

Is there a way to customize the authorization page UI as well as the Universal Login page UI?

Hey there!

Not sure about it but let me check! In what type of customisations would you be interested?

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If possible, I would like to customize the design of the authorization page entirely using the original HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as the Universal Login page. At least, I would like to change the text and the language.

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I’ll get back to you as soon as I have the info on that!

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How is your progress? Our project needs this customization feature as soon as possible.

Hey there!

Totally sorry for the delay in response but I must have totally forgot about this in the queue of incoming questions. So depending if you wanna utilize the New Universal Login (provides less customisation options but is more lightweight) or the Classic one (provide way more customisation options) you can choose from following:

  • Classic Universal Login customisations:
  • New Universal Login customisations:

As shown in the first post, I’m asking about the authorization (consent) page, not the universal login page. I’ve already customized the universal login page.

Could you tell me the way to customize the authorization page?

Things displayed here like name of the client, tenant name and circular graphics are fetched from your tenant and client settings.

The logo can be adjusted when going to applications in your dashboard and then selecting proper client and settings.

when it comes to the text of the screen unfortunately it’s not customizable at the moment only the things in bold can change.

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