I’m trying to change From field according as some conditions(like user.app_metadata.is_foo) with Liquid.
The type of is_foo is boolean
But I’ve got the following error message when clicking Try button. It looks like the Liquid syntax is not supported in From field.
The value {% if user.app_metadata.is_foo %} FOO <noreply@foo.com> {% else %} BAZ <noreply@baz.com> {% endif %}
is not valid for the From field.
Possible values: an email address ('support@yourapp.com') or a prefix and an email address between <> ('Your App <support@yourapp.com>')
Is it possible to change From field dynamically in Email Templates(Change Password)?
I was able to get the same results. It seems that either there is something wrong with our stack or the doc itself. I’ll make sure to report it internally!