Invitation email TTL change

when inviting a user with auth0’s dashboard to an organization, is there any way to define the TTL of the invitation emails?
I saw that there is a way to define the verification and reset-password email (through the email templates page) but not the invitation email.

is there any easy way to globally change it from 7 days to 14 days?

thanks! :pray:

Hi @idan500,

Customizing the TTL of organization invitations is not possible through the Auth0 Dashboard, but you can use the Management API to set the TTL of organization invitation emails: Auth0 Management API v2

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!


Mary Beth

according to this API, it looks like we can set the TTL per invitation in the API.
but we need a way to globally set the TTL (not per invitation)

is there any? and if not why there is not a simple way to do it through the dashboard? (the invitation email template is a great place to put it in :thinking: )

Hi @idan500,

Apologies - I missed where you said globally in your initial post. Currently, it is only possible to set the TTL per invitation via the Management API. You cannot configure it globally either in the Dashboard or via the Management API.

I would recommend submitting feedback requesting this functionality. Please see this guide: How to Submit Product Feedback or Feature Requests


Mary Beth

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