International Support

Is there support for i81n (internationalization) also what regions of the world are auth0 servers?

Hey there!

i18n is supported. Here’s the doc for that:

I need to do some research in terms of server locations

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oh, thanks for the link, on the servers, we’re just looking to make sure if we have customers in europe, that there are servers there to service them, and they aren’t hitting california for example, though it would be good to know where.

I noticed that when adding a tentant you can add europe and australia, does this mean that a different region has to select a different authentication source? can these regions be linked in a way, that if a user fly’s from the UK to Austin, and comes to login here they will be seen as the same user?

Yep sooI think that works the way that the servers are located in this region of the world in which you choose your tenant to be.

No authentication source is something totally different and ha nothing to do with the tenant region. The user will be seen as the same user anywhere in the world once using certain method of authentication with their credentials.


If user uses Google for example as login method and then username & password then that would be treated in database as two users but in order to “merge” them we have the linking accounts feature:

All this things are clearly and step by step described you just need to visit our docs page :slight_smile:

and scroll to the tabs there

No authentication source is something totally different and ha nothing to do with the tenant region. The user will be seen as the same user anywhere in the world once using certain method of authentication with their credentials.

right, but… we would have to have 2 tenants, one for the US and one for Europe, and maybe eventually one in Australia, so the servers are close to our users… I’m assuming that we can’t link accounts across tenants.

sadly, I believe this will be a non starter for us, since we’re going international, the lack of geoip detection to route to the nearest server and having those servers “share” data across the water is probably a requirement.

Gotchya! Thanks for letting us know. I’ll close this topic but feel free to ping me in order to reopen it if you have any other questions regarding that!