If it is possible, how can I add a link to Password Changed page


Whether through the universal login or the reset password email link, users will see this page after successfully changing their password

My question is, is it possible to add a link to this page,
so that it is easier for users to jump back to the login page after successfully changing their password?


Hi Gavin,
If you are using the Classic Universal Login you could configure the RedirectTo property in the password reset email template.
If however are using the New Universal Login, Auth0 would redirect the users to the default login route after the user resets their password.
As such setting the default login route should get you all set up.
Hope this helps!

Thank you for your response.

I found out a way.
If I fill in the Application Login URI, a “Back to App” button will be shown on the Password Changed Page, which solves my issue

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