Identify Tenants that use a Node Beta Version for Actions

Problem statement

A notification has been received from Auth0. This states that a tenant may still have one or more Actions using the Node 18 Beta, and it is necessary to migrate them to the supported GA release.

This article will explain how to check which tenants are using the Beta runtime for Actions and how to upgrade to Actions.


If a Beta version of Node.js runtime was used with Actions. This offers the opportunity to gain familiarity with the new capabilities provided by the Beta release.

When the supported “Generally Available (GA)” of Node.js is later released, the tenants need to be identified that are using the Beta version. A migration from the Beta to the GA version of the Node.js runtime for Actions can then be scheduled.

For example, the Node 18 Beta runtime has been adopted for Actions but following the GA release of Node.js the relevant tenants need to be migrated to the latest support version.

NOTE: Node.js 18 for Actions was announced as GA on July 11th, 2023. For more information refer to Node 18 is now available for Actions, Rules, and Hooks.


Identify the tenants

The runtime version of Node.js is selected when an Action is created. For this reason, if a customer has multiple tenants, a Beta version of Node.js may have been chosen for some of them but not all.

Each tenant would need to be individually checked to determine which version of the Node runtime is currently in use.

Check the runtime version

It is possible to view the runtime of each Action within a tenant through the use of the Management API.
Follow these steps to discover the Node.js runtime that is associated with each Action.

  1. Get an access token for use with the Management API Explorer.
  2. Make a call to the Get Actions endpoint ( GET /api/v2/actions/actions ).
  3. The result of this call is an array of Action objects. It can be seen that:
  • Each Action object has a nested/child object “current_version”.
  • The current_version object has the property “runtime” with a string value.

If the value for the Action does not indicate “node18-actions”, take note of the Action name. This can later be updated within the Dashboard.

Update the Action

Starting with the list of Actions that need to be updated, the general approach is as follows:

  1. Login to the tenant Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Actions > Library.
  3. Opening an Action in the Dashboard will result in a warning message being displayed
  4. Click on the upgrade text and the Action should be upgraded.

Test each Action that has been upgraded to the GA version of Node.js.

Related References