I need to customize the sign up page, I want to add an input box to confirm the password, is this possible?

I need to customize the sign up page, I want to add an input box to confirm the password, is this possible?

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Hi @bwpows

Welcome to Auth0 Community. It’s awesome to have you onboard.

If you’re using the New Universal Login Experience there limited customisation ability see https://auth0.com/docs/customize/universal-login-pages/universal-login-page-templates

If you’re using Universal Login Classic and Lock.js there are a few more option https://auth0.com/docs/customize/universal-login-pages/customization-classic

For complete control (you might be referring to this) you will need to create you’re own login page and use Auth0.js to tap into our functionality please see https://auth0.com/docs/libraries/auth0js

We already have password confirmation available for sign up via New Universal Login Experience so I’m not sure why you’d need to add an input box. Please clarify the sign-up flow you’re looking to achieve.

Many thanks

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Thanks @SaqibHussain for helping with that!

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Clarification required on this.

On sign up there is no password confirmation, there is only password confirmation on password reset. However our engineering team have a ticket in their backlog to review password confirmation on sign up, although there is no ETA right now.

Apologies for the misunderstanding.


No problem! Thanks for following up on that!