I can't be able to login with auth0 even if i had set the correct callback URL!

Hello does anyone has faced this issue ?

Current scenario is like whenever i reinstall application the first time auth0 SDK opens in browser and when i fill the credentials for login and after tapping on login its just loading and am not getting the callback , also if i back from the browser and again i tap to start SDK then nothing is happening only blank page appears.

Thanks in advance !

Hi @nisargb ,

Is the web URL you set under the Allowed Callback URL reachable?

If you open this URL in the browser, can you reach the page?

Hello Thanks for the reply…

Nope i had set the callback URL’s properly as i checked that but when i start the SDK on our login button tap then the domain goes to browser but its randomly getting blank page (also i didn’t get the callback in application or any error while opening the SDK)

NOTE : i am using our client credentials and i cross check with domain id , client id and callback url which i had set all are proper.

If you have any solution regarding that then it would be appreciable for us


Reference Image :

Hello ,
Gentle reminder !

Is there any update regarding this issue?

Hi @nisargb ,

Client Credentials flow are recommended for M2M applications. Is this your case?

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