Auth0 android app callback not working in development tenant

Hey all,

I have an issue where the callback doesn’t seem to be working.
I have an Android mobile app. I have set the callback urls correctly (using custom scheme instead of Https). Everything was working fine till a few days ago (prior to Auth0 outage). However, now I am not getting the callback from Auth0.
The surprising thing is this only happens in our development tenant. It works fine in our Production tenant (thankfully).
I tried creating a new development tenant. However, I am still facing the same issue.
Is anyone else facing this issue? I am lost for answers why this is happening. I have checked/rechecked my config 10s of times yet can’t seem to know the problem.

Any help is highly appreciated.


Hey @codenameredpanda !

That’s super odd! :thinking: Can you reproduce the same issue if configuring our Android sample app to your dev environment?