I’m trying to make a prelogin, in order to let users to insert their mail and their language. Then, I send this information with QueryParams in order to pre-fill their mail and to translate the login…
Actually, the mail is working and being prefilled, but the language is not working (is always showing the english language)… I’ve been reading and I set up the tenant config in order to accept four different languages but none of them seems to be working…
Here is my code, where I’ve a pre-login view to insert mail and language, and send it:
For this to work, you will also need to enable these languages in your Auth0 Dashboard > Settings and scroll down until you find Languages section and select all the languages that apply.
Once this is done, the New Universal Login Page will translate the languages.
I don’t really understand how to implement your proposed solution.
Isn’t the loginWithRedirect() method the same as you mentioned? I’m passing login_hint (and the email is being prefilled) and ui_locales as parameter(because it can change) for the login and everything is working fine, I can login into my tenant , etc. It’s just the translation. And, btw, I’ve enabled my languages too.
Thank you.
EDIT: Problem solved!
I was passing as a parameter ui_locales, but I went to check HTML universal login code and found that line var language = config.extraParams.language;
so just changed the name of parameter and now it works.