We are using the SES email provider and we need to set reply to address in the provider. So below is the json format we are using to “update” the email provider.
Thanks @konrad.sopala…
AWS SES allows it to be set, but I cannot find a field in any of the Auth0 management apis that takes in the reply-to address. ,ie, Does any of the Auth0 email providers support more than one email address in the header? If so , I could pass in one as “from” address and the other one as a “reply-to” address.
Sorry for the delay in response but due to holiday seasons we’ve been experiencing some hiccups with the bandwidth.
Indeed your research in term of Management API is correct BUT I’ve been playing myself personally like 4 weeks ago with SendGrid Twilio on my personal project and they do support more than one email address in the header and they can be configured in Auth0 as an email provider.