How to provide signup link for an user in email?

We are looking for the instruction to provide a direct link, the link format is same: Sign In with Auth0, via email to our customer so that they can sign up an auth0 account directly to our Auth0 App. And after they finish the sign-up, we would like to redirect them to our web page to log into our website via their newly registered auth0 account.

Please help to guide us to achieve this idea.

Thank you.

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We don’t have a way to provide an invite link - instead you should redirect the user to
/authorize where they would login or create an account. Then once they create a new account they are automatically logged in and redirected back to the app.

I pulled this off… Here’s what I did:

  • When I want to invite someone, I create a user behind the scenes and give them a random temporary password. I actually generated a GUID.
  • Then I manually create an invite email using unrelated code. In the email, I actually include a change password link, which you can generate using the Management API’s CreatePasswordChangeTicket endpoint. I set the time to live to 432000 which is 5 days. If they user fails to “register” in 5 days, I remove the user.
  • In the auth0 portal, I also tweaked the forgot password form’s language to say something like “Set Password” which works in both the case of these invite emails and an actual forgot password incident.

This took me forever to figure out. But it works nicely.


Another way to do this is with our doc/walkthrough for Invite-only Apps

Thank for your help,

One question: Currently, I’m using Lock v.11 for signup. How to get user_id of Auth0 after user sign up successfully?

Please help to guide us to achieve this idea.

Thank you.

Hey there!

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Wanted to reach out to know if you still require further assistance?