How to customize the SignIn/SignUp-Form and provide our real Domains instead of "dev-something"?

In our first beta-tests we have learned, that the current Look of Auth0s SignIn/SignUp-Box is not trustworthy for the “normal” user. They feel confused and thought it would be spam because of:

  1. avatars don’t tell who we are
  2. our technical Auth0-Hostname will be displayed “dev-464hrz4” instead of our real Hostname

Can we change this somehow?

Currently, it looks like this:

Thanks for any help!

Hi @clubbing,

You can change the Branding of your Universal Login Experience in the following places.

  1. Universal Login → Settings tab
    You can set the Company Logo, Primary Color, and Page Background color here.
  2. Tenant Settings
    You can set the Friendly Name and other related info here. The Friendly Name will replace your default tenant name.

Hope this helps!

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