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Is there any development on this feature yet? I think this is something basic that should be implemented.
The user is left on the password change success page. This is very inconvenient.
Reposting this
Is there any development on this feature yet? I think this is something basic that should be implemented.
The user is left on the password change success page. This is very inconvenient.
Hi @ryndm
The Back To Application button is present whenever the the Tenant Login URI is configured.
You will need to go from your Dashboard to Settings → Advanced → Tenant Login URI and ensure that is points to your application’s login page.
After doing so, the button will be present on any respective screens.
You can also look into configuring the Default Login Routes.
If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know!
Kind Regards,
Hi @nik.baleca,
My bad. I had the application login URI set but was not passing the client_id
Its working as intended after passing the client_id
Thank you,
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