How do I use Auth0 on Google Sites?

So I recently started working on some new amazing features for “Google Sites” that allow our Google users to create a custom header on their sites. The question I have for the Auth0 community is how can I connect my Auth0 to my Google Sites? I’m new to this Auth0 bt Okta thing so I don’t really know anything about it.

Hi there, we’re glad you’ve joined our Community!

Let’s start with rephrasing your question to make sure I understand your use-case correctly. Feel free to correct me at any point.

Google sites are web apps that utilise the Google Workspace resources. You would like to allow users to log in to the Web App (which in your case is a Google Site) via the Auth0’s Login Page.

If the above is true, it looks like for you, the relevant flow would be the one described in this tutorial.
Reading through the tutorial, please note that the " Auth0 application" refers to your Google Site app.
Briefly, there would be a need to:

  1. On the Auth0 tenant side: register your web app (your google site) →
  2. On the the Google Cloud Console side: register your web app (your google site) to obtain the Client ID
  3. On the Auth0 tenant side: enable the enterprise connection and set it with credentials you obtained in the step “b”
  4. On the Auth0 tenant side: enable the enterprise connection for your Auth0 application (your google site).

Please keep us posted whether that helped or in case you meant something slightly else!


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