Auth0 and Google Sites Integration

I’m new to Auth0 - I’ve recently been doing some research on creating some simple log-in features on Google Sites. I’ve looked at AuthPro, and it works fine, but it’s insanely outdated and doesn’t do what I want it to.
I’ve now looked at Auth0, and I want to ask if it will work with a Google Site. Google Sites are very limited, but they allow for html integration. I’m wondering if it is possible to integrate a login system onto a google site using this? If so, how would I configure Auth0 to achieve these results?

Thank you in advance.

Hey @omuraxd welcome to the community!

I’m not familiar with Google Sites, but if I were you I would start here and see if anything might work for your needs. In most cases, Universal Login is preferred and can be invoked manually by constructing an authorize request or by way of a plethora of SDKs.

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