How can we customize widgets using the Auth0 CLI and the Liquid template language?

Problem statement

We are using New Universal Login within our tenant and would like some help with our Branding activities.

We are using the CLI to customize the new login pages, as described here:

That allows us to style the page, but we would like to style the login widgets as well.

We know that we can achieve this via the dashboard, by visiting Branding → Universal Login → Customization Options.

Here we customize the look and feel of the widgets but that does not affect the widgets, as they are rendered in the Liquid page template.

I do not want to override the widget CSS as this is not recommended in the documentation.
My question is: how can we customize the widgets themselves while using the CLI and the Liquid template language?


We do not currently provide support for branding of widgets, though use of the Auth0 CLI and the Liquid template language.

Our recommendation is to either style these widgets using the dashboard ( Branding → Universal Login → Customization Options ) or use the No-Code editor:

These are the only options available at this point in time.