New universal login: auth0 cli to customize auth0 widget inside page templates

I am currently working to customize new universal login using auth0 cli.
auth0 universal-login customize

I need to remove text such as welcome, continue with google, Login to my company…, etc. Also to change designs for input field for email and password .

I am trying to get classname and trying to use display none property for those classes. Also trying to modify designs for input fields.
.ca3d4203c {
display: none;

When I deploy it, the texts are still visible and are not customized as I wanted.

Is it possible to customize whatever inside {%- auth0:widget -%}?

I have disabled Customize Login Page so I don’t want to enforce classic and want to customize using new universal login?

Any solutions for this?


Hi @nirajan.kunwor ,

I am facing the same issues, I have same requirements what you have mentioned above. Did you get any workaround for this.

Yes, you can login to the tenant using auth0 cli command.

Once you are logged in, you can do auth0 universal-login customize

Then add classname based on prompt for each page.
with pure javascript such as document.querySelector(‘’) select classes you appended
and change style with either js or even css.