Github Pages,, callback-URL 404


I have deployed my app to github pages.

I have setup the callback-url at the dashboard to include this url, but after I login and callback URL is triggered, I get a 404 page. I do not quite understand what goes wrong. I works perfectly in localhost, so I am guessing the /nameoftheproject/ route is complicating things. I am not sure how to circumvent that. I would appreciate any help.

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Hi there @frank3stein and welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I would like to try to better understand the goal your pursuing. Can you share more about the app structure? Are you trying to leverage Github deployments? Thanks in advance!

I have this same issue.
I’ve created a create-react-app, in which I’ve integrated a Auth0 authentication.
It works fine when running the dev version on my localhost.
But when I deploy it to github pages, then while loging-in, when auth0 return callback on Allowed callback URL, the github pages run into 404.

To reproduce: Try loging in with your gmail Fitness App

Hi there @anandnkhl and welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Can you direct message me the tenant name associated when you get a chance? I’d like to investigate. Thanks!

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