I set up the GitHub integration extension, and the web hook seems to work. It sees and responds to push events. However, it fails on deployment, returning:
{“message”:“Not Found”,“documentation_url”:“Git trees - GitHub Docs”}
It seems like it’s having trouble accessing the repo, but are there more extensive logs somewhere, or if anyone has any other ideas?
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Hey there @ron.hsu, welcome to the Auth0 Community!
In the past we’ve seen users were able to resolve their issues by updating the extension to the latest version and re-entering the configuration. Can you give this a check when you get a chance? Thanks in advance!
Hi James, unfortunately that did not work, still getting {"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://developer.github.com/v3/git/trees/#get-a-tree"}
These are private repos, should that matter?
Looks like my personal token didn’t have sufficient rights. Got it working, thanks!
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