Getting password rules for a given connection

Hello Everyone,

Using the excellent documentation I can see will return some content as below:

    "id": "some-connection-id",
    "options": {
        "mfa": {
            "active": true,
            "return_enroll_settings": true
        "passwordPolicy": "low",
        "brute_force_protection": true,
        "strategy_version": 2,
        "password_complexity_options": {}
    "strategy": "auth0",
    "name": "Username-Password-Authentication",
    "is_domain_connection": false

My question is, is there a way, or a future pipeline addition, to get the password policy description, for example for Low, I would see a response like ‘6 characters of any case’.

To avoid making this post a solution not a question, I would say my use case is that we have a custom login screen for Auth0. We have different policies across our different environments/tenants, and we would like to dynamically show password complexity requirements on the page instead of 'hard-‘coding’ them as web page content.

Thanks in advance!!

While this is a great idea, there currently isn’t a way to do this, nor do we have it on a roadmap. You can request this via Auth0: Secure access for everyone. But not just anyone. and provide the user case and we’ll be in touch!

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