General Issue with redirect to auth0


We’re experiencing issues with our tenant client id - it seems to be mapping to the wrong Auth0 domain kb-bynd (this is not ours) - we haven’t changed our client id, domain or secrets. is there an issue on the Auth0 side?

Note this is also happening on our production and also on our staging environments.

Heres the prod error:

invalid_request : The client with id: “hGypYnCoff8WHelp2zOBWPN1da5H6SgV” (kb-bynd) was not found

Heres our staging error:
invalid_request : The client with id: “XyKfyVdRZmIeo9U6Z9NNLO7DHSLv7FRf” (brunofrlgomes) was not found

for our staging the domain is
for our production domain this is

Can someone help from auth0 as our production site is now incaccessible.

Kind regards,

William Falconer


Note this is also happening on our production and also on our staging environments.

Heres the prod error:

invalid_request : The client with id: “hGypYnCoff8WHelp2zOBWPN1da5H6SgV” (kb-bynd) was not found

Heres our staging error:
invalid_request : The client with id: “XyKfyVdRZmIeo9U6Z9NNLO7DHSLv7FRf” (brunofrlgomes) was not found

for our staging the domain is
for our production domain this is

Can someone help from auth0 as our producition site is now incaccessible.

We also have the same problem and are being redirected to exact the same domain (kb-bynd) instead of our own.

We are also experiencing with users unable to login to some of our tenants. Repeated redirects to Auth0. Clearly an issue that Auth0 need to be invesigating.

The same happens to me :frowning:

We’re experiencing the same, any word on this?

I am seeing the same issue for my Auth0 tenants, and have raised a support ticket.

We’re seeing the same issue.

Auth0 Status Page (Auth0 Status Page) is showing no issues but not sure if this page is manually updated?

Over here as well issues logging in all of a sudden at multiple of my European tentants.

status here: Issues with Authentication API • Auth0 Status Page


Hey everyone!

Terribly sorry for the experience. As you’ve seen we have an outage and further updates should be provided through our status page. Once more terribly sorry for that!

The status page and twitter account are reporting this is now resolved but I am still seeing issues with some tenants.

Same for us - just one application in our non-prod tenant now redirects to the wrong place

Maybe it still hasn’t applied to all tenants. Can you try in ten minutes and let me know? Thanks!

Still seeing same issue with one of my tenants. Redirects to

Same again - ours is still redirecting to (as-per the OP above)

Looks like this is now fixed for my remaining tenant.

@konrad.sopala Are there any plans to share more information (maybe in a blog post) about what went wrong, what was affected, etc?

Some things that would be good to get answers on are:

  • What was the cause of this issue?
  • What services were affected?
  • What steps are being taken to prevent this from happening again?
  • Was this issue picked up by your monitoring tools? If not why not and what could be put in place to pick up this issue in the future?
  • Why was this issue reported as being resolved when it wasn’t?
  • Why did it take so long for the status page to be updated?
  • Total time of service outage?

Not sure about that one yet. Will reach out to our engineering team to find out!

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We are still being redirected to brunofrlgomes on our lumien-staging tenant - when will this be fixed?