Free plan - unable to create a new database

I have a free plan that allows 10 free connections. I had 10 but deleted one 2 days ago.

Since then, I have the message : This tenant reached the limit of 10 available connections per the Auth0 Entity Limit policy

I have 8 database connections and 1 social database but can create a new database connection. Can you help me to understand why ?


Hi @solenne,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

I have just checked your tenant settings and found that you have 7 total connections, 6 of which are Database Connections and 1 Social Connection.

In this situation, you should be able to create 3 more Connections. Take note that the free subscription plan can only have a maximum of 10 connections, which includes database, social, and passwordless connections.

I have also tested this on my end on a free tenant and can confirm that I am limited to 10 Connections.

Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.


hi Rueben,

Thanks for yiur answer.
On my prod tenant, I have 8 databases connections + 1 social connection. I know that with a free account I’m limited to 10 connections. That’s why I’ve deleted one to be able to create another one in place of.

But, even with 9 connections I’m not able to create a new one. I’ve always the message attached.

Thanks for your help.

@rueben.tiow do you have any thoughts on how I can create a new database connection ?

Hi @solenne,

Thanks for following up.

I see that on your prod tenant, you have 9 Connections, and I can confirm that your prod tenant has 8 database connections and 1 social connection enabled. Since you have not hit the limit of 10 connections, you should be able to create a new one.

On my end, I have tried to reproduce this issue but have not been able to replicate the same results.

In this situation, I recommend trying to log in to the Auth0 Dashboard with another web browser or use an incognito window to see if you can create a new connection.

If the issue persists, could you please create a new tenant to see if you can create 10 connections? This will, at least, rule out whether anything is going on with your session or tenant settings.


@rueben.tiow I confirm taht my issue is that I have only 9 connections and I’m not able to create a new and last one.

I’ve tried to create a new one on a different laptop and even with an incognito but I’m still blocked because of the maximum number of connexions allowed (10).

It’s quite crazy !

Hi @solenne,

Thanks for the update and confirmation.

Have you had a chance to test your observations with your dev tenant or with a new tenant to see if you experience the same issue?

One more thing I would suggest trying is to check your tenant’s Database, Social, and Passwordless connections to see if you have anything enabled without noticing. There might be a lingering connection that was previously enabled somewhere.


Hi @rueben.tiow ,

We don’t experience this with another tenant as the other one we have doesn’t have all these connections and I don’t want to risk to be blocked also on this tenant.

I’ve gone through our connections and did not notice any connections that I was not aware. You’ve also checked and confirmed that we don’t reach our 10 connections.

This is really strange and is a blocking point for us.

Hi @solenne,

Thanks for the update.

Let me investigate further with our teams to see how we can proceed.


HI @solenne,

Just providing an update that we are still looking into this issue and trying to resolve it.

Thank you for your patience!

Hi @rueben.tiow

Did you by chance had the time to investigate and found what’s the issue ?


Hi @solenne,

Thanks for following up.

I have been working closely with our Engineers and learned that they are still troubleshooting the issue. I have also noticed this issue being reported by another user so we are actively looking into solving this.


Hi @solenne,

Thank you for your patience.

I have just received an update from our Engineering team that you should be able to create your 10th connection now. Could you please give it a try and let me know how it goes?


Hi @rueben.tiow

I’ve tried and can now create a new database.
Thank yo so much for your help !
Have a nice day!


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Hi @solenne,

I’m glad everything is working now!

Please reach out to us again if you have any additional problems.


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