Flutter and Auth0

+1 for flutter, we need it asap :confused:

Thanks a lot for the +1 Johny! I’m going to reach out to our SDK team again soon to advocate for that!

+1 for flutter, we need it asap :confused:

As soon as I talk with them I will relay the news!

+1 for flutter👌 we need it soon

Thanks a lot for the +1 @pekkaliu!

+1 for official Auth0 + Flutter integration! We would like to use in large scale production app!

Thanks a lot for that @daniel.schofield!

+1 for official Auth0 support.

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Thanks a lot for the input!

Hey there everyone! I’m gonna give another round of advocacy for Flutter SDK to our SDKs team next week. Keep your fingers crossed!

+1 for official flutter support.

+1 for official flutter support!

Thanks a lot for those +1’s !

Been a while and still nothing on the horizon.
The easy remedy for anyone reading this thread is to just use Firebase Auth, which works Flawlessly with Dart 2.

For sure that’s one path to go.

I’m doing my best and regularly try to advocate for Flutter SDK it’s no plain words but you know as in every product company the decision is up to product managers having in mind how many feature requests come for certain features.


We’re starting development on a new app and defining our Auth IDP.
As far as I can see, no real solution for Flutter has been offered by Auth0 (except a 2y old repo of someone not related to the firm). This request has been celebrating its 2nd year birthday already, has over 12.000 views,… I don’t know what could be more convincing to the team to add Flutter to the list :wink:

In our case, we will spend our money on another platform, which is very sad because we liked Auth0.

So definitely, for everyone after me :
'+ 1 !!


Thanks @roel.velkeneers for the input!

I guess if we get more of this kind of statements the SDK team can finally get convinced. Really appreciate that!

Hey there team!

Today I’m gonna provide our SDK team with some numbers and inputs from you and see what’s their approach on that now after that few months from the 1st round of my advocacy that I did back in around December last year.

The answer I got for now from the SDKs team:

" Last communication with the previous product manager (no longer at Auth0) was this is an area of interest but no capacity in Q1. We should have a new Product Manager join us in Q2 and will help with validating this type of investment. At this stage I would say it’s unlikely to be in Q2 as there are no one pagers around this"